Member and Senior Officer Development Programmes
March 1, 2024Political Awareness for officers in a local authority

Purpose of the Module
To understand the political dynamics of local government, to explore the governance arrangements which underpin the operation of a council and to consider how to operate effectively as an officer at the political interface.
Perfect for
Any officer who is in a position requiring interface with elected members, or who is planning to move into such a role. Particularly useful for officers who have joined local government from other sectors.
Module Content
Political Awareness/Dynamics
- The role of elected councillors in local government
- The role of officers (including statutory officers)
- The central importance of the relationship between members and officers in an effective council
- How the relationship works with new/complex structures e.g. LA companies, Trusts, JVs, shared services
- Relevant good practice, codes and protocols
- Danger areas and how to avoid/mitigate these including
- Different governance arrangements (cabinet, elected mayor, committee structure)
- Different political configurations (majority, balanced, coalition)
- Shared services, joint arrangements and combined authorities
- Change of political control
- Working privately with the political groups
- Dealing with scrutiny
- Pre-election season
- Political publicity
- Conflicts and complaints – breakdown of the relationship
- Protocols and guidance
- Top tips for operating successfully in a political environment
Governance framework
This part of the session will focus on the differences between a local authority and other organisations, and how to operate effectively at senior level in a legal role. We will address the challenges posed by:
- Public engagement and accountability, including consultation, complaint and challenge
- Transparency and openness – how can you operate commercially in the context of freedom of information
- Legal requirements e.g. equalities and human rights
- Making decisions which are robust against judicial review
Personal Skills
The session will explore the skills needed as a senior officer in local government operating at the political interface – being technically excellent is not enough! We will address:
- Communication
- Listening
- Empathy – acknowledging different views and political mandates
- Neutrality
- Developing relationships
- Confidence and assertiveness
I found this course to be excellent and superbly presented. The speaker’s knowledge was fantastic. I will leave the course today having a much better understanding than I did before
That all delegates:
- Fully understand the inter-dependent roles of members and officers
- Are confident in the codes, protocols and legal requirements which apply to the relationship
- Come away with an awareness of areas of risk and practical ideas for operating effectively
- Appreciate the differences between a local authority as a public body and other large organisations
- Understand the skills needed to survive and thrive in the local government setting
- Feel better equipped to carry out their senior roles successfully