Standards and probity: national standards & local approach
February 6, 2018
Effective scrutiny methods and good practice
February 6, 2018
Standards and probity: national standards & local approach
February 6, 2018
Effective scrutiny methods and good practice
February 6, 2018

Successful relationships between councillors and officers

To address the key relationship between councillors and officers, to consider the potential areas of friction/risk, to review good practice and guidance and to consider relevant codes of conduct.

  • Newly elected councillors (ideal as part of an induction programme)
  • Councillors in leadership roles
  • Councillors on Standards Committees
  • Councillors in HR roles e.g. staffing committee or appeal panels
  • The role of elected councillors in local government
  • The role of officers (including statutory officers)
  • The central importance of the relationship between members and officers in an effective council
  • Good practice and guidance
  • Relevant codes and protocols including any local codes and member/officer protocols
  • Areas of potential risk/friction and how to avoid/mitigate these

Examples were thought-provoking

County Councillor

That councillors fully understand the inter-dependent roles of members and officers and are confident in the codes, protocols and legal requirements which apply to the relationship.

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Successful relationships <h3>between councillors and officers</h3>
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