Being an effective councillor – learning from recent reports
February 9, 2017
Being an effective councillor – learning from recent reports
February 9, 2017

Induction: how to hit the ground running as a new councillor – what you need to know about the legal and governance stuff!

To provide a whistle stop tour of some of the key legal and governance issues you need to understand quickly!


  • Newly elected councillors
  • A great refresher session for those returning after an election
  • An introduction to the role and responsibilities of councillors
  • What are officers, what do they do and how should you relate to them?
  • What does “good governance “ mean
  • What are the key documents you should read and understand now including the important parts of the constitution/codes of conduct etc.
  • Standards of conduct and interests – the essentials
  • Danger zones and how to avoid them!

Very practical session. Thoroughly relevant and very enjoyable from a trainer who clearly “gets it”

Director at a District Council

That councillors will feel more confident in their role and embark on their work with greater understanding of their role, the role of officers and the key areas of risk.

Discuss your training options today

Induction: how to hit the ground running as a new councillor – what you need to know about the legal and governance stuff!
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