Outside bodies: operating as a director/trustee
February 6, 2018
Social Media: opportunity and danger zones
November 14, 2018Chairing Skills: be most effective as a chair

Purpose of the Module
To support councillors in the key role of chairing all types of local authority meeting, including the skills needed to chair virtual meetings!
Perfect for
- Councillors with chairing roles e.g. Chair of Council, scrutiny chair, chair of a planning or licensing committee, chair of a joint forum, chair of public meetings
- Newly elected councillors (ideal as part of an induction programme) who may be asked to chair meetings
- Refresher know-how for returning councillors
Module Content
- Local authority meetings – why they are different!
- What types of meeting might you chair – adapting your approach
- The role of the chair
- How this role differs in a virtual setting
- The legal framework you need to know
- Your constitution
- Open and private meetings
- Defamation
- Keeping order
- Skills and approaches to ensure effective meetings
- Key actions before, during and after meetings
- What can go wrong and how to manage it if it does!
Particularly liked the speaker involving the audience at every step